We are a recruitment agency with tradition, based in the center of Prague. Our aim is to provide affordable and high-quality services in the field of human resources. We pride ourselves on our personal approach to candidates and are able to rapidly adjust to the development and changing needs of the job market. We follow trends and use the most modern personnel marketing techniques.


We deliver comprehensive services in the field of job-matching, specializing in middle and senior management in Czech and international companies. We announce employment opportunities on our own website and on job listings websites.


We offer personal consultancy concerning personal development, communication skills, and the ability to get on in the job market. As part of these services we provide mock interviews, sample tests, and preparation of professional CVs and motivation letters. We advise you how to be successful in finding new employment. You can find more information on our personal consultancy here:


We are a professional and reliable partner for our clients in the field of acquiring and choosing employees, and are able to find suitable employees in all fields. In our work we place emphasis on quality and prompt communication. We have experience in direct searching for candidates, headhunting, and outplacement.

Job search

More job opportunities here:
Roles by region:
A list of all open positions here:


Junior L1 Support – až 60.000,- Kč měsíčně

Praha, SŠ, Aj

Náš klient je součástí silné mezinárodní skupiny, která je známá svou spolehlivostí a kvalitou. Tento klient se specializuje na dodávky širokého sortimentu autodílů a maziv, které jsou nezbytné pro hladký chod autoservisů. Jejich cílem je poskytovat nejvyšší úroveň služeb a kvalitních produktů, které uspokojí potřeby jejich zákazníků.

IT Manager/Ředitel

Praha, SŠ/VŠ, AJ komunikativní

Pro našeho významného klienta, obchodní společnost hledáme vhodného kandidáta na pozici Interní IT Managera/Ředitele. Pracovní náplň: • Vedení a rozvoj oddělení • Plánování interních projektů • Návrhy rozpočtu, realizace, vyhodnocení • Kontrola ...

Salesforce Specialista pro rozvoj CRM řešení

Praha, SŠ/VŠ, ČJ, AJ B2

Hledáme Salesforce Specialistu pro rozvoj CRM řešení! Do našeho týmu hledáme proaktivního kolegu nebo kolegyni, který/á se stane klíčovou součástí rozvoje a optimalizace Salesforce platformy. Hledáme někoho, kdo se nebojí výzev, rád/a komunikuje a přináší nová řešení.

Business Analytik – oblast pojištění

Praha, SŠ/VŠ, ČJ, AJ - B2

Hledáme Business Analytika – oblast pojištění Do našeho týmu hledáme analytika s více než 4 lety praxe, který má zkušenosti s vývojem IT řešení, zvládá efektivně komunikovat s různými týmy a dokáže pracovat na komplexních projektech. Hledáme někoho, kdo je trpělivý, odolný vůči výzvám a schopný důkladné analýzy i v náročných situacích.

IT / Business Analytik

Praha, SŠ, cestina

IT / Business Analytik Co Vás čeká: • Sběr a analýza business požadavků • Analýza a definice business procesů ve spolupráci s klíčovými kolegy • Příprava projektů k implementaci formou zadání a dokumentace pro IT • Návrh úpravy procesů, služeb ...

Software Engineer/Developer (Kotlin/Java)

Praha, SŠ, 

Software Engineer/Developer (Kotlin/Java) Jsme vývojářský tým z Prahy 8, co jede na moderních technologiích, a hledáme seniorního full-stack developera, který se k nám přidá. Pokud máš zkušenosti s Kotlinem, nebo makáš v Javě a máš chuť naskočit na Kotlin, čti dál.

Web Platform Operations Manager

Praha, SŠ, AJ

Web Platform Operations Manager Are you a skilled manager with a technical background and the ability to lead and collaborate effectively? As a Web Platform Operations Manager, you will oversee the technical and operational excellence of our web platform while managing a small team and working closely with vendors and stakeholders.

Microsoft Solutions Expert

Praha, SŠ, AJ

Microsoft Solutions Expert Are you passionate about empowering teams to unlock their full potential with Microsoft Office tools? We’re looking for a Microsoft Solutions Expert who will play a key role in driving expertise across our organization.

Head of Global Project Portfolio Management

Praha, SŠ/VŠ, AJ

About the Role: Are you an experienced leader in global project management? We’re looking for a Head of Global Project Portfolio Management to oversee the delivery of complex software, cloud, and hardware solutions. You’ll manage a team of 9 skilled ...

Position detail

8004-IT / Business Analytik

IT / Business Analytik

Co Vás čeká

• Sběr a analýza business požadavků
• Analýza a definice business procesů ve spolupráci s klíčovými kolegy
• Příprava projektů k implementaci formou zadání a dokumentace pro IT
• Návrh úpravy procesů, služeb a produktů
• Spolupráce s projektovými manažery a business ownery
• Optimalizace a automatizace stávajících procesů
• Podpora spolupracujících stran (zadavatelé, architekti, testeři) v průběhu celého cyklu projektu
Proč právě u nás?
• Budete součástí IT týmu o 60 lidech, kde analytický tým tvoří zhruba 10 odborníků
• Pracujeme v procesně řízeném prostředí, což znamená pevné struktury, ale i výzvy při prosazování nových řešení
• Budete sbírat požadavky napříč společností a pracovat na různorodých menších projektech
• Stabilita klienta
• Práce je hybridní – do kanceláře stačí docházet jen jedenkrát týdně
• Velká výhoda:
nepotřebujete angličtinu
Co od Vás očekáváme?
• Výbornou znalost a orientaci v oblasti analýzy uživatelských požadavků a návrhu business procesů
• Zkušenosti s přípravou požadavků do RFI/RFP (veřejná výběrová řízení)
• Orientaci v User Stories, Use Cases, BPMN notaci a UML notaci
• Praktické zkušenosti s nástrojem Enterprise Architect
• Znalost Archimate (vítaná, nikoli podmínkou)
• Schopnost klást cílené otázky vedoucí k pochopení problému a definici požadavků
• Znalost v oblasti investiční výstavby a/nebo asset managementu (vítaná)
• Výbornou znalost českého jazyka

Podmínky spolupráce

• Nástup:
• Možnost práce na HPP nebo IČO
• Délka úvazku:
v tuto chvíli 1 rok
• Pracoviště:
Prosek (hybridní model, většina práce online)
Přidejte se k nám a podílejte se na projektech, které pomáhají utvářet budoucnost energetiky v České republice. Pokud Vás tato pozice zaujala, zašlete nám Váš životopis ještě dnes!

Location: Praha
Education: SŠ
Languages: cestina

Our team

Mgr. Richard Bezpalec

Founder, CEO

Mgr. Richard Bezpalec
The managing director of the agency has focused on HR management from the beginning of his career. He gained experience as a teacher, manager of a business group, and co-owner of a recruitment agency, before founding JOBSTART in 2008. He works on specific, less frequently filled positions. He mentors the activities of recruiters with the aim of ensuring maximum satisfaction on the part of applicants and clients.
Bc. Dagmar Neuwirth

Team leader Ostrava

Bc. Dagmar Neuwirth
Ing. Lucie Císařová

Team leader Hradec Králové

Ing. Lucie Císařová
Ing. Veronika Shaw

Senior Recruiter

Ing. Veronika Shaw
Veronika focuses mainly on positions for multinational companies and shared service centers, and has been at JOBSTART for four years. She started working here during her studies. Working in external recruitment allows her to continually develop and combine recruitment techniques with her sales skills and offer a perfect service to customers.
Bc. Šárka Míčková

Office manager

Bc. Šárka Míčková
Šárka is an intermediary between candidates and recruiters. She is in charge of the initial contact with job seekers, she assists the recruiter team, and she is responsible for the smooth running of the office. She has previous experience as an educator, and she likes to communicate and work with people. She enjoys sports, cooking and traveling in her spare time.
Bc. Adriana Atan


Bc. Adriana Atan
Kristýna Veselá


Kristýna Veselá
Andrea Bialá


Andrea Bialá
Nela Vávrová


Nela Vávrová
Ing. Kateřina Pavlicová

Recruiter, marketing

Ing. Kateřina Pavlicová


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Headquarters: Vodičkova 736/17, Praha 1, 110 00
Address: Vodičkova 736/17, Praha 1, 110 00
IČ: 284 94 482
DIČ: CZ 284 94 482
Banking details: 3847999001/5500
tel: +420 605 588 885

 Virtual tour
   Where to find us


Company’s Statement on Personal Data Protection and Communicating Personal Data

used for business purposes by JOBSTART s.r.o., Company registration No.: 284 94 482, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court of Prague, section C, entry 145701,
based at Prague 1, Vodičkova 736/17 (hereinafter referred to as the "Company")

What personal data of yours are we receiving and gathering?

The Company gathers your personal data to provide you with the best possible job opportunities in the market, thus to perform its contractual obligations towards you. You provide us with your personal data directly, for instance, when responding to an ad posted by some of the advertisement media (advertisement servers, daily press, Jobstart website, etc.), and we also obtain some of your data from publicly available sources, such as social networks, open databases of state administration, etc. You may refuse the request for personal data provision. In such case, we cannot perform our obligation towards you concerning providing the best possible job opportunities in the labour market.

You may decide on the gathered data yourself. The data we gather depends on your request for getting a job position. We always gather data including but not limited to: Name and contact details. We gather your first name and surname, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number and other contact details. Demographic details. We gather details about you, such as your domicile, age, country and preferred language. We gather information about your education, training, professional experience, interests and other facts arising from your curriculum vitae or, as the case may be, additional information provided or added directly by you during our communication.

As required, we may gather content of your communication with us to provide you with services as you wish. The data we gather in order to provide you with services include the subject and text of e-mails.

We also gather information provided by you and the content of messages that you send to us, write to us, or questions and information you provide to our company.

Method of personal data processing

The Company uses the gathered data to perform its contractual obligation towards you as the contractual purpose under normal operation of the Company that has the respective labour agency licenses and to provide the offered services and to improve them. We interconnect the gathered data in order to improve the outcome of our work for you. In order to improve the personal data protection, we have implemented technological measures to avoid misuse. We gather the data only from sources where we can identify you by your name, e-mail address or telephone number.

Communication. We use the gathered data for purposes of communication with you and your potential employers. We can contact you, for instance, by telephone, e-mail or other form to inform you about potential job opportunities for you.

Our company does not perform automated decision-making based on the data provided by you. We gather and assess the data provided by you solely through our employees who are personally involved in recommending you to potential employers.

Reasons for sharing personal data

We share your personal data in your own interest based on our contractual obligations towards you. We share the data only with your potential employers, in particular, their assigned personnel coordinator.

Your potential employers are committed to meeting our requirements for personal data protection and security and they shall not use the personal data for any other purposes.

Access to and control of your personal data

In terms of our services, you can modify or add your personal data through us. You can also decide on gathering and use of your data by our company. You can request it to be returned, deleted or transferred to another service provider of yours.

We shall respond to your request for access to your personal data or deletion thereof or other kind of operation within 30 days.

You may choose whether you wish to receive communication from the Company by e-mail, by text messages, by regular mail or by telephone.

European rights for personal data protection

The Company obeys the personal data protection laws applicable in Europe. Therefore, you have the following rights:

When processing your personal data, we do so under your direction or when required for providing our services.

Personal data security

Our company protects and secures your personal data. We use various technologies to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, use or publication. For instance, we store the personal data provided in computer systems with restricted and identifiable access which are located in secured buildings. When transferring data via internet, it is protected by encryption.

Personal data storage and processing

The personal data gathered by the Company is stored and processed in the territory of the Czech Republic. We make sure the data gathered in line with this statement on personal data protection is processed in line with the principles of this statement and requirements stipulated in the applicable laws.

Personal data retention

The Company retains the personal data for the period of time as required for providing the services to you. The only retention criterion is our mutual agreement on how long to retain your data.

Contact us

Should you have any technical or general question, please visit our website where you will find more information about the serviced provided by our Company. You may also visit our website to ask a question or provide us with comments. We shall respond to your questions or comments within 30 days.

Our Company is the controller of the personal data gathered. Our Data Protection Officer is Mgr. Jan Hynšt and you can contact him by e-mail